Sunday, July 19, 2015

Caitlin Jenner

Dear Caitlin Jenner......being a female, I have never felt brave or courageous or under pressure to pick out my shoes or dress. Courage as a female, is facing your days with a bald head and battle scars from cancer. Courage as a female is carrying a child for 9 mos that you weren't planning on having. Courage as a female is being Mom & Dad to a child while putting food on the table because you are all that child has. Courage as a female is busting your butt to make it in a man's world. Courage as a female is to learn to walk out after you have been beaten by someone who "loves" you. We don't play dress up to feel brave, we are brave in our raw, authentic selves. You will find the most brave women in this world do not dress in the finest fashions adorned by jewels and make-up. They carry crowns of grey hair, wrinkles, tired bodies and weathered hands. Learn the difference. Sincerely, a real woman.


CWMartin said...

But wait! I stepped out... into the PUBLIC... and claimed something I'm not, er wait, forget that... I stepped out to show my scars... except for that whole child bearing thing, and waiting until after "the change" to make the change... er, forget that, too... I gave motherly love all these years to...uhm... Okay, I made a mockery of womanhood and motherhood, but hey, I was brave enough to stand up there and get the adulation from... Oh, hell forget it.

Bob G. said...


Now THAT is the type of message that SHOULD be put out there... if just for the reason that it HAPPENS TO BE SO DAMN TRUE.
You should send it in to a "letters to the editor" page...I'd love to hear the roar of support from all the other real (and courageous) women out there.

Excellent call.

Stay safe down there, dear.