Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I get Political

No amount of education is going to overcome peer pressure, parental influences and immediate society influences, even over time.  At least in my opinion.  The DARE program proved this to us.  Kids aren't going to take to being taught better values, personal responsibility and ambition when they don't see it among those they love and respect the most - family and friends. Oh, sure, you'll get the occasional success story but overall?  It won't work.  What will work, I think, is being tough on people.  Fair, but tough.  I'm going to share my  plan  and I still believe it will work. 

1.  Announce a 5 year plan to eliminate all welfare programs, barring exceptions such as the terminally ill, mentally retarded, severely physically handicapped, etc. "Welfare" means food stamps, TANF, WIC, EITC, Section 8, SSI, etc.  If you're on one of the plans already, you can continue on for your promised span but new children conceived after the start date get nothing.  No medical, no WIC, noth-ing.  Be responsible for what you do.  So, this being the case, you better be prepared to do it on your own or face child neglect charges if you have kids and don't care for them after the 5 years is up.  Those already on assistance have 5 years to figure out how to get off...go to college, go to tech school, whatever.  Five years is a long time.  It *can be done, even in this economy.
2.  Loosen up domestic adoption costs and requirements. Of all things, *this is a good one for the government to actually run and make free for qualified people.  Gays, "older" parents, single but well-established parents, parents who have an illness but are still able to parent?  Let them adopt and let them adopt children of races other than their own.  Kids will get good parents *and we'll make strides in diminishing still-existing color barriers.  Win-win.  You don't comply with #1?  #2 kicks in.
3.  Repeal the law that states you're a citizen simply by  being born here but open up our borders to legal immigration via checkpoints like Ellis Island was.  If you can come here legally by the new standards and work, pay taxes, support yourself and prove you can be a contributing, law-abiding citizen, we'll be proud to give you that citizenship and have you join us.  In 5 years.  Prove it for 5 years and you're an American, we'll make your ass legal.  If you sneak in? We will assume you mean harm and seeing as how we're pretty easy under the new plan and we'll react accordingly.  Think of our country as your literal new home...if you ring our doorbell and politely ask to come in, as long as you aren't the dangerous sort, we'll welcome you as family.  We just ask that you cook and clean up after yourself and supply your own're no guest, after all.  But if you sneak in the window knowing how lenient the doorbell policy is, we reserve the right to shoot you in self defense.
4.  Parents need to be held responsible for their kids until age 18.  Period.  No more of this "I can't control them....waaaah!"  When you know you won't be held responsible it's too easy to put your head in the sand and your kids?  Just laugh it off and know that as long as it's fairly small-time crime or misbehavior, not much will happen. That needs to change.  Your kid under 18 does damage, gets in trouble, steals?  You pay for it and out of your welfare, if necessary.  If you have to sell a car, sell your house, perform community service, made them, you pay for what they do wrong.  If your kid doesn't care about the hurt this puts on your ass, you've screwed up somewhere in raising them and deserve it anyway.
5.  This one will shock a few here to their core but I say require 2 years of mandatory public service of some type (the military would qualify) for every 18 year old (if they don't graduate, in which case a GED is required) or graduating senior unless they opt for college. If they graduate from college, the public service can come afterward and be in their chosen field, so that it will also count as work experience.  Alternately, 4 years of half-time service would be acceptable since some will be immediately working in family businesses or whatnot.  This country gives us a lot - we need to give back and not just by way of taxes. 
6.  Medical care. Life is rough and often not fair.  Accept it.  Health care being a "right"? I'm iffy but I'll give you that for the sake of argument.  *Paid health care is a privilege, though.  This new health care plan is a joke and, it will bankrupt us.  Instead, let's put medical/nursing/pharmaceutical students who can't pay for their own education outright through school but require a year of service in their chosen field for every year this country covers for them in college.  What then?  So many towns have houses sitting empty, foreclosed upon.  Same with whole apartment complexes.  Even empty lots.  Use whatever is available for housing for these brand-new medical professionals (think dorm or student apartment type housing) and have these new graduates live there rent-free, paying them minimum wage for their personal expenses.  Build medical clinics close to said housing.  Free/cheap clinics, where people can come and get basic medical care and even specialized care, at no cost if they can show they need it...unemployment papers, bank statements, utility statements, etc....or they can pay very affordable rates if they cannot prove the need for free services. If you choose to live beyond your means and spend money on things that could be put to insurance, too bad.  You're out of luck and have to pay clinic rates for care.  Look at that - you still win.  Your kids, however, are not out of luck if you refuse and will be treated but it will be looked upon as child neglect by you since you chose the nicer home, newer cars, expensive cable package, etc.  Child neglect is punishable by law. This will serve many purposes - providing health care for our citizens, forcing parents to be responsible, allowing our new medical professionals to gain more experience, and preventing the default of many students loans.  It should also serve to help revitalize some run down areas as a side bonus.
7. Legalize drugs but enact far harsher penalties for crimes committed under the influence of drugs and alcohol.  There are many, many benefits to this idea.  For one, the price of street drugs will fall and crime will naturally fall with it.  Big score.  Let's relate it to health care, shall we?  If you're sick due to substance abuse problems, you chose it.  You pay for it.  We have low cost clinics under my plan, remember?  But employed or not, we aren't directly paying for your stupid decisions; you are an exception.  You die from drug abuse?  No great loss.  Sorry.  Self-inflicted illnesses?  On you.  Own yourself.
8.  You'll notice I've been mentioning legalizing drugs a lot...yep, we should and all of them.  Let those intent on using them do so...but have far stricter penalties than we do now if a crime results.  Driving under the influence of something?  We all know more people die from drugs than guns; therefore, attempted murder charges apply because you were intentionally "shooting" at people with your car,  an object far larger than a bullet.  Selling drugs?  Attempted murder.  Someone dies of an overdose and the supplier can be found?  First degree murder. Using drugs, though?  Simple possession?  Ehhh, slap a dumbass label on their forehead.  They'll either get over it or kill themselves off.  Treatment for addiction, though?  Out of pocket.  You made the choice, you pay for it.
9.  About the whole foreclosure situation?  Here's a thought - if Mary bought a home for $500.000 and it's now in foreclosure, look at what Mary *can afford for a house payment.  Can she afford a $250,000 home?  No?  How about a $100.000 home?  Yes?  Great.  Take that $100,000 home that Joe owns in Mary's general area (or any home she prefers in a pool of similarly priced foreclosures) and that he can't pay for and *require Mary to step into it (or a similar one) and take over those payments. Instead of having a mass of foreclosures bringing our economy down, require people to honor their commitments to the lending institution but help them out of a bad situation by allowing them to downsize into something affordable with no penalty. Again, win-win.
10.  Eliminate our federal income tax system and institute a percentage-based sales tax system instead.  Say an additional 2% tacked on to what states and counties already charge, but for, drugs, services, etc.  The income generated from this would be staggering yet fairly painless for everyone, even the poorest of people, and it would be the fairest system we could have.  You don't like paying?  Fine. Cut back on your spending.  You are in control here over what you pay in federal taxes for the most part and everyone will pay a fair share, commensurate with income, for the services they receive from our government.  The poor will naturally pay less than the wealthy, yet they will still they should.
Trust me, I could go on and on but I'll stop here.  I just felt that it was important to balance out all my complaining with fair and viable solutions to problems we are facing as a nation. If you can't offer alternative solutions, you have nothing.  I'm curious what you think of mine...let me know.


CWMartin said...

1- The bugaboo on this plan is that you are asking a generation that DOES NOT value their own lives and surely doesn't believe that they will or even want to live to a "ripe old age" to act as if they have a future- near or far term- and actually put some effort into it. It has to start with re-educating our children on the value of ethics, hard work, and the value of life.

2- Here, the cost of screening "qualified persons" might be the problem. However, the way it is now, it costs out the butt and screening still isn't done right. Perhaps #11- should be "vetting the people in low level government staff jobs to find those who will do a conscientious job". God knows the VA and CPS could use it.

3- This is basically the law, but is far from enforced, and the system that runs it is set up to let in an amount of people that, if enforced, would likely be too FEW to service our economy as it stands. This needs to be tackled from the "this needs to be enforced" AND the "this needs reformed" angles.

4- AMEN #1!

5- That would have done me a world of good back in the day. Amen #2!

6- Frankly, I think two years of service, or one IF you go serve a short-handed area as a GP or whatever, would be better. Amen #3!

7- Here we part ways. I understand the logic, to an extent agree, but I think instead of the good outcomes you theorize, you'll instead get Latin-American druglords reaping the benefits of steady (if lower) income and no risk. What we need to do IMHO is to crack down on the NATIONS who are in bed with the criminals, ONLY give them aid/trade if they work (and succeed) to eliminate the rats, and force them to lift THEMSELVES out of the shitholes they've allowed their countries to become. It would save a ton in foreign aid in the short term, and give rehab clinics an easier job (instead of an impossible one) in the long term.

8- The idea of criminalizing the action rather than the possession appeals to me. Amen #4.

9- AMEN # 5!

10- I'm jake with that for private individuals, but think that the current system SANS LOOPHOLES needs to be in play for businesses.

Bob G. said...

Wow...the first thing that came to my mind was "BINGO"...!!
(smacked that one outta the park)

1- I agree with YOU on the concept, but I also agree w/ Chris as to the WHY it has a stumbling block.

2- Again, a great idea. Chris makes a point about keeping the system "gamers" out of the mix.

3- A very sound idea...the way it used to be. Chris is right - ENFORCEMENT has to be "job-1".

4- DITTO on the Amen. (BIG TIME)

5- Kinda what they do in the UK...shouldn't be a problem, but I;m sure we'll have those that game THAT system. Might even help some people.

6- Quite correct (imho)
anything but socialized medicine and Obummercare.

7- Gotta run w/ Chris on this too...but I DO like the HARSHER penalties for crimes under the influence. And yes,m we should CUT all ties with countries that foster drug-lords.
And making druggies PAY for THEIR for me.

8- I like all the news aspects of "attempted murder". Sounds like a winner.

9- This would keep neighborhoods from going downhill...a LOT.
Buy within your means...sure. Makes sense. Can;t drink champagne on a beer budget, right?

10- I've always liked the FLAT tax gig...everyone pays the same (basically). I mean 20% of a MIL is a lot more than 20% of say $50K.
And drop the corporate tax rate...BUT (as Chris said) close EVERY loophole.
That is also FAIR.
Yes...Do away with my former employer, too...and the Depts of education, transportation, and energy.

Very good call...
(both of you)

Stay safe & well-informed down there.